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The Wise Ass Staff

Monday, March 2, 2009

Chuck Norris can predict the shuffle on his iPod...

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Un Anonim said...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is based on a true story: Chuck Norris once swallowed a turtle whole, and when he crapped it out, the turtle was six feet tall and had learned karate.

Assprin said...

Chuck Norris a plans o singura data...singurii supravietuitori sunt niste animale si un tip pe nume Noe!

Ralu ® said...

ralu: esti un pitz
mircea: kiss my shiny metal ass
ralu: )
ralu: cu buzele mele incordate si glossate
mircea: mroaaaaaar

si asta e cam singurul comment pe care il dau aici, pt ca restul bancurilor mele cu chuck norris le stii :))