A fost odata ca niciodata ca daca nu ar fi fost nu s-ar fi povestit…ma doare-n pula.
Parazitii urla violent in casti si ridic capul de pe banca, o sala de studenti care scriu fara oprire cuvintele dictate de prof la foc continuu.
Un coleg intarziat isi face aparitia.Infomentat saracul si cu pachetelul de la „mec” dupa el. Pornit sa manance isi scoate burgerul (a se citi cum se scrie n.a.) , asta dupa 5 minute dupa ce a incercat sa-l scoata fara zgomot.esec total.
Cand in sfarsit se arunca asupra burgerului ridicam amandoi privirea spre prof.O minunatie de chelie ii troneaza crestetul capului, iar dansul elegant isi vara indexul in cavitatea nazala mai adanc decat isi poate imagina cineva. YUCK!
Se parea ca i-a pierit foamea colegului meu dar m-am inselat.Se pare ca burgerul cu carnea provenita de la 1000 de vaci, vite pardon ca e si ele oameni, e mai putin scarbos.
Invaders muuuust dieeeeeeeee tanananan slava domnului ca am playerul la mine ca altfel as fi surzit de la sunetul pixurilor eminente ce isi vomita pasta pe foi.
Si revenind la colegii mei care se amuza copios pe seama profului care nu poate sa spuna X si arunca cate un S in locul lui.Daca asa se „esprima” omul nu ai ce-i face.
Zapada sa intors, a aruncat cativa fulgi autisti care zboara orizontal.sunt speciali.
„Datoria externa a romaniei a depasit suma de 50 de miliarde de euro..cred ca asta inseamna ca suntem fututi sus (a se citi fucked up n.a.)
Oricum imaginea Romaniei nu e prea frumoasa.E dureros sa vezi batrani obositi si depasiti de vreme cum incearca sa vanda cate ceva sa isi castige existenta.
Ieri am vazut care incerca sa vanda niste plase home made.Target : zona din apropierea pietei. Plasele acestea erau facute din diverse materiale textile probabil cusute de carte nevasta lui, care bajbaie orbeste la Ileana- cine nu o stie pe Ileana- binecunoscuta masina de cusut, accesoriul nelipsit in fiecare casa comunista si postcomunista.Buni si acum are una.Ileana fata gata echipata sa carpeasca orice haina rupta.
Si batranelul nostru imbracat in haine saracacioase se plimba ici acolo cu cate cinci plase pe o mana privind insistent prin ochelarii lui cu dioptrii mari la orice doamna care poate se indreapta spre piata.Aiurea,doamnele imblanite trec pe langa si il ignora parca ar fi un boschetar.
Sunt curios ce stia batranelul nostru despre pungile ecologice care sunt dorite pe raftul oricarui supermarket.
Va spun eu ce stie: NIMIC, cand nu ai bani de mancare sau de pastile te doare fix in cur (a se citi fund n.a.) de ecologia la nivel mondial.
Romanii fericiti nu traiesc in Romania.
By Twid
Saturday, February 28, 2009
We got a new one!
We welcome Twid (Un Anonim), starting from today he's also an author on my blog..enjoy :D
Thursday, February 26, 2009
2 A.M.
e 2 dimineata si eu nu dorm...de fapt, noi nu dormim, nici eu nici Cornel, al meu coleg de camera, si nici amicu' Alex, colegul de la Suceava, care se simte al naibii de rau, aparent are crampe la stomac, da' nu durerile alea amarate pe care le avem toti cand suntem constipati sau mai stiu eu ce cacat. nu! el nu poate sa vorbeasca de durere...si ce facem in cazuri d'astea? sunam serviciul de ambulanta...care aparent e in pauza de masa, pauza de somn, ziua/noaptea lor libera, sau ce pizda mamii lor fac ei, ca de o ora si 45 de minute tot asteptam si tot sunam, dar aparent ambulanta are lucruri mai importante de facut decat sa-si vada de treaba. Ultima oara cand am sunat mi-au zis ca ambulanta nici nu plecase inca...dupa o ora si jumatate! ce cacat, doar suntem in bucuresti si nu au destule salvari ca sa acopere ditamai cacatul de oras, plin de dobitoci si imbecili, printre care se numara si doamnele centraliste de la 112 si serviciul de ambulanta, care probabil ca stau cu degetelul in fundulet, de mult ce au de munca! Fumos, da-va drecu'!
nu va doresc decat un singur lucru, dragi angajati care va faceti treaba cu curul: atunci cand veti avea nevoie de o salvare, sa va vina asa cum ne-ati trimis-o noua acum!
nu va doresc decat un singur lucru, dragi angajati care va faceti treaba cu curul: atunci cand veti avea nevoie de o salvare, sa va vina asa cum ne-ati trimis-o noua acum!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
...out of my mind
You don’t realize what you do to me. I don’t think you understand how one touch, look, word, or smile from you can drive me out of my mind.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Stages of drunkness
Stage #1 -- Smart
This is when you suddenly become an expert on every subject. You
know all and greatly wish to express this knowledge to anyone who
will listen. At this stage you are also always right. And of course
the person you are talking with is very wrong. You will talk for
hours trying to convince someone that you are right. This makes for an
interesting argument when both parties are "smart". Two people talking,
in fact, arguing about a subject neither one really knows anything
about, but are convinced that they are the complete authority on the
subject, makes for great entertainment for those get the opportunity to
listen in.
Stage #2 -- Handsome/Pretty
This is when you are convinced that you are the best looking person in
the entire room and everyone is looking at you. You begin to wink at
perfect strangers and ask them to dance because of course they had been
admiring you the whole evening. You are the center of attention, and all
eyes are directed at you because you are the most beautiful thing on the
face of the earth. Now keep in mind that you are still smart, so you can
talk to this person who has been admiring you about any and all subjects
under the sun.
Stage #3 -- Rich
This is when you suddenly become the richest person in the world. You can
buy drinks for the entire bar and put it on your bill because you surely
have an armored truck full of your money parked behind the bar. You can
also make bets in this stage. Now of course you still know all, so you
will always win all your bets. And you have no concern for how much
money you bet because you have all the money in the world. You will also
begin to buy drinks for all the people in the bar who are admiring you
because you are now the smartest, prettiest, and richest person on the
face of the earth.
Stage #4 -- Bulletproof
You can now pick fights with the people you have been betting money with
because you cannot be hurt by anything. At this point you would go up to
the boyfriend of the woman who had been admiring your beautiful self
all evening and challenge him to a battle of wits for money. You have no
worry about losing this battle of wits because you know all, have all
the money to cover this bet, and you obviously win a fight that might
erupt if he looses.
Stage #5 -- Invisible
This is the final stage of drunkenness. At this point you can do
absolutely anything because no one can see you. You can get up and dance
on a table; you can strip down to your underwear, to impress the people
who have been admiring you all evening, because the rest of the people
in the room cannot see you. You are also invisible to the person whom
you have picked a fight with earlier in the evening. You can walk through
the streets singing at the top of your lungs (because of course you are
still smart and know the tune perfectly) and no one will think anything
of it because they can't see you. All your social inhibitions are
gone. You can do anything, because no one will know.
And you certainly won't remember !
This is when you suddenly become an expert on every subject. You
know all and greatly wish to express this knowledge to anyone who
will listen. At this stage you are also always right. And of course
the person you are talking with is very wrong. You will talk for
hours trying to convince someone that you are right. This makes for an
interesting argument when both parties are "smart". Two people talking,
in fact, arguing about a subject neither one really knows anything
about, but are convinced that they are the complete authority on the
subject, makes for great entertainment for those get the opportunity to
listen in.
Stage #2 -- Handsome/Pretty
This is when you are convinced that you are the best looking person in
the entire room and everyone is looking at you. You begin to wink at
perfect strangers and ask them to dance because of course they had been
admiring you the whole evening. You are the center of attention, and all
eyes are directed at you because you are the most beautiful thing on the
face of the earth. Now keep in mind that you are still smart, so you can
talk to this person who has been admiring you about any and all subjects
under the sun.
Stage #3 -- Rich
This is when you suddenly become the richest person in the world. You can
buy drinks for the entire bar and put it on your bill because you surely
have an armored truck full of your money parked behind the bar. You can
also make bets in this stage. Now of course you still know all, so you
will always win all your bets. And you have no concern for how much
money you bet because you have all the money in the world. You will also
begin to buy drinks for all the people in the bar who are admiring you
because you are now the smartest, prettiest, and richest person on the
face of the earth.
Stage #4 -- Bulletproof
You can now pick fights with the people you have been betting money with
because you cannot be hurt by anything. At this point you would go up to
the boyfriend of the woman who had been admiring your beautiful self
all evening and challenge him to a battle of wits for money. You have no
worry about losing this battle of wits because you know all, have all
the money to cover this bet, and you obviously win a fight that might
erupt if he looses.
Stage #5 -- Invisible
This is the final stage of drunkenness. At this point you can do
absolutely anything because no one can see you. You can get up and dance
on a table; you can strip down to your underwear, to impress the people
who have been admiring you all evening, because the rest of the people
in the room cannot see you. You are also invisible to the person whom
you have picked a fight with earlier in the evening. You can walk through
the streets singing at the top of your lungs (because of course you are
still smart and know the tune perfectly) and no one will think anything
of it because they can't see you. All your social inhibitions are
gone. You can do anything, because no one will know.
And you certainly won't remember !
The right to hurt!
"People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all. People talk about how great love is, but that’s bullshit. Love hurts. Feelings are disturbing. People are taught that pain is evil and dangerous. How can they deal with love if they’re afraid to feel? Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain. But they’re wrong. Pain is something to carry, like an mp3 player. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It’s all in how you carry it. That’s what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you’re letting society destroy your reality. You should stand up for your right to feel your pain."
Thursday, February 19, 2009
sesiune=haos intelectual...
ieri a fost miercuri...am avut examen...azi e joi...si imi invat(asa se zvoneste...) pentru examenul de maine...Doamne! lunga a mai fost sesiunea asta nenorocita...am zis ca nu are sfarsit...un abis fara fund...tot cazi...si cazi...si te intrebi...cat poti sa tot cazi asa in gol...ce de puncte de suspensie...atat de haotice sa-mi fie gandurile? incat sa nu pot reprezenta nimic decat prin puncte de suspensie?
pentru ce atatea examene? pentru ce? la ce ma va ajuta alofonemul si alomorfemul cand il predau pe Blaga? sau pe oricine altcineva? Of...simt ca o iau razna...prea multe/multa materii/materie...
imi introduc pixul
in gaurile din agenda...
rascolesc in pagini albe
materie cenusie
titluri mari
cifre multe si citate
idei mici de la oameni mari
idei mari pentru oameni mici
imi scot pixul..
in gaurile din agenda
rascolesc materie alba...
noroc ca maine-i vineri...si cele 13 obstacole au trecut...
pentru ce atatea examene? pentru ce? la ce ma va ajuta alofonemul si alomorfemul cand il predau pe Blaga? sau pe oricine altcineva? Of...simt ca o iau razna...prea multe/multa materii/materie...
imi introduc pixul
in gaurile din agenda...
rascolesc in pagini albe
materie cenusie
titluri mari
cifre multe si citate
idei mici de la oameni mari
idei mari pentru oameni mici
imi scot pixul..
in gaurile din agenda
rascolesc materie alba...
noroc ca maine-i vineri...si cele 13 obstacole au trecut...
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Limp Bizkit - The One
If you never try
Then you'll never know
The grass could be greener (could be)
And it will always be greener on the other side
But you.. just never (never) know
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Revarsare inutila de ganduri
Azi a fost o zi ciudata...bine, de fapt ultimele cateva saptamani au fost ciudate, dar nu am chef sa vorbesc despre ele acum. M-am trezit extrem de prost dispus, nu pot decat sa imi inchipui ce fata si ce privire aveam, pentru ca oglinda a refuzat sa ma priveasca, din motive de securitate personala. Imi era pofta de omleta, asa ca mi-am facut omleta...pe care am mancat-o insa cu sila (ceea ce e un fenomen rar, pentru ca ale mele omlete sunt un fenomen in lumea gastronomica -fuck off, i'm proud of my cooking- asa ca de fiecare data le ingurgitez fara sa respir)...deci ziua incepuse dubios. poate pentru ca ma trezisem acasa, in Brasov, in patul meu, si urma sa ma culc in Bucuresti, in camera de camin, intr-un pat demn de un artist (nu, nu e vorba despre mine, nu ma consider artist), menit sa-l faca pe bietul om care si-a gresit orientarea in viata sa sufere noapte de noapte. revenind...mi-am halit micul-dejun, si am inceput sa zac, pentru ca bagajele s-au facut singure, intr-un mod foarte misterios..asta sau eram intr-un blackout cand le-am facut, orice varianta merge! si in marea mea zacere am inceput sa imi las mintea sa zboare, ceea ce nu pare sa fie o idee prea buna, cel putin nu in ultima vreme, pentru ca nu am facut decat sa imi alimentez starea de cacat, care oricum nu stiu exact de la ce pornise. am observat ca in ultima vreme starile astea sunt din ce in ce mai dese si cu toate ca nu le las sa se vada, ma enerveaza cumplit...in fine, bag putin metal, fac un dus, ma imbrac si ma car spre gara, unde urmeaza sa ma intalnesc cu "the mother of Assprin" venita acolo cu scopul de as-i vedea odrasla cum pleaca spre infecta capitala. trenul, ca orice alt accelerat de la noi, pute, trozneste, e incomod, si iti ofera o larga gama de senzatii termice la nivelul receptorilor epidermici (...si eu stau si ma intreb acelasi lucru..da, vroiam doar sa spun ca e ba prea cald, ba prea frig...wtf?). era ok, daca stateam singur in compartiment, dar imediat dupa mine, doamna aia care parea sa fi fost jandarm sau asa ceva si tipa bruneta, putin stramba, carna si sasaiata, s-a urcat un cuplu de batrani. nimic dubios, cu exceptia faptului ca erau genul de oameni care tin in dulapul cu haine sapunuri de pe vremea cand erau bunicii lor tineri, ca sa tina moliile departe si sa "parfumeze" hainele...cacat, ca duhneau a naftalina si a sapun de picioare marca "d-asta a folosit si Iisus"...2 din cele trei ore le-am petrecut pe hol fie vorbind la telefon ba cu Pitzi, ba cu Preddah, fie jucandu-ma tetris, tot pe telefon, iar in cealalta am incercat sa ma acomodez cu mirosul, dar pana sa reusesc ceva, au inceput sa ma usture ochii...bine macar ca nu a avut intarziere trenul, ca as fi injunghiat-o pe baba cu o andrea. fumeea croseta cu andrele de juma de metru si avea grija ca din cand in cand sa ma impunga putin in coaste sau in umar, sa nu cumva sa uit ca e langa mine si pute a Duru, sau ce cacat foloseste...interesant e ca desi baba era cu mosu, nu a schimbat o vorba cu el tot drumul, in schimb a torturat-o pe domnisoara din fata ei, cu un interogatoriu tipic "anticilor" : "cum te chiama, unde stai, ce-s parintii tai, unde inveti, ai prieten" ET.FUCKING.C... dar incet incet, vazand indispozitia tipei respective si atitudinea de bunicuta severa a babei, moodul meu a inceput sa se cam schimbe, incepeam sa ma distrez pe seama micutei scenete care se desfasura in fata ochilor mei, care nu dupa mult timp au fost acoperiti de un alt val de metal, relaxant, sublim, obsedant, exact ca un drog...
Am ajuns intr-un sfarsit la camin, unde m-am trezit brusc intr-un fel de sanctuar, un loc unde acum ma simt destul de bine, in ciuda conditiilor cel putin nepotrivite...nu pot sa zic ca mi-a lipsit aventura de a merge la baie sau de a face dus pe intneric(dar hei, acum am apa calda) si nici urletul unui imbecil de la etajul 2, care urca in fiecare seara pana la trei si striga "Georgeeeeee, sa mi-o sugi!" si apoi fuge...dar trebuie sa recunosc ca toate au farmecu lor macabru, intr-un fel...acum, cand stau si scriu revarsarea asta inutila de ganduri, beau un ceai, ascult niste Limp Bizkit (i missed this shit) si zambesc, tamp, sec, fara sens, dar zambesc si ma simt ok, impacat cu mine, cu gandurile mele, cu tot... dar parca ar merge un vin rosu...
Am ajuns intr-un sfarsit la camin, unde m-am trezit brusc intr-un fel de sanctuar, un loc unde acum ma simt destul de bine, in ciuda conditiilor cel putin nepotrivite...nu pot sa zic ca mi-a lipsit aventura de a merge la baie sau de a face dus pe intneric(dar hei, acum am apa calda) si nici urletul unui imbecil de la etajul 2, care urca in fiecare seara pana la trei si striga "Georgeeeeee, sa mi-o sugi!" si apoi fuge...dar trebuie sa recunosc ca toate au farmecu lor macabru, intr-un fel...acum, cand stau si scriu revarsarea asta inutila de ganduri, beau un ceai, ascult niste Limp Bizkit (i missed this shit) si zambesc, tamp, sec, fara sens, dar zambesc si ma simt ok, impacat cu mine, cu gandurile mele, cu tot... dar parca ar merge un vin rosu...
Things i want to do before i die
So, hey there blog watchers. O sa incep prin a scrie 10 chestii pe care imi doresc sa le fac inainte sa mor. Here it goes:
1. Sa ma las de fumat/cafea/vin/etc
2. Sa las in urma cel putin o fotografie apreciata(da, sunt deep, stiu:)))
3. Sa fac bungee jumping
4. Sa ii vad pe The Killers sau Coldpaly in concert
5. Sa traiesc un an in Paris
6. Sa consider ca iubirea e esenta fiecarei clipe, indiferent de cine si ce voi alege sa iubesc
7. Sa merg in Vama in fiecare an
8. Sa fiu mereu inconjurata de prieteni
9. Sa gasesc cel putin 10 persoane care nu ma vor uita niciodata
10. Sa ii ridic o statuie(cu sitem antigainatz) lui Assprin pt ca m-a inclus in grupul restrans de co-autori
1. Sa ma las de fumat/cafea/vin/etc
2. Sa las in urma cel putin o fotografie apreciata(da, sunt deep, stiu:)))
3. Sa fac bungee jumping
4. Sa ii vad pe The Killers sau Coldpaly in concert
5. Sa traiesc un an in Paris
6. Sa consider ca iubirea e esenta fiecarei clipe, indiferent de cine si ce voi alege sa iubesc
7. Sa merg in Vama in fiecare an
8. Sa fiu mereu inconjurata de prieteni
9. Sa gasesc cel putin 10 persoane care nu ma vor uita niciodata
10. Sa ii ridic o statuie(cu sitem antigainatz) lui Assprin pt ca m-a inclus in grupul restrans de co-autori
Another introduction (bha..sa vi le faceti singuri de acum incolo)
Starting today, we have a new member (a more active one, i hope :P) let's have a blast! vanessa..feel free to whatever it is that we all do :P
Sunday, February 15, 2009
on valentine's day
With flowers in her hair,
Gazed upon with dead lovers eyes.
She never looked so good,
And I never felt so right.
With flowers in her hair,
Gazed upon with dead lovers eyes.
She never looked so good,
And I never felt so right.
Never felt so right.
I never felt so wrong!!!
Gazed upon with dead lovers eyes.
She never looked so good,
And I never felt so right.
With flowers in her hair,
Gazed upon with dead lovers eyes.
She never looked so good,
And I never felt so right.
Never felt so right.
I never felt so wrong!!!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
The Prodigy - Invaders Must Die
Check this out! The Prodigy's new album. me likes!
btw, click the title :)) it's a link, dumbasses
btw, click the title :)) it's a link, dumbasses
Friday, February 13, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Things i want to do before i die...
mda...10 lucruri pe care vreau sa le fac inainte sa mor...desi cred ca mai e ceva pana o voi face... am multe planuri de viitor... so...
1. vreau sa cuceresc K2-ul
2. sa conduc propriu-mi Harley
3. sa ajung alpinist si ghid montan
4. sa am un land rover defender :D...ma multumesc si cu un volvo
5. sa termin facultatea :))
6. sa compun o piesa geniala
7. sa-mi public un volum de poezii
8. sa fac copii
9. sa vad Egiptul (lista e mai lunga, dar incerc sa fiu rezonabila...)
10. sa fiu tot restul vietii macar pe jumatate la fel de fericita pe cat am fost in liceu, langa prietenii si colegii mei
cam astea sunt...mai sunt si chestiile post-mortem..dar asta e alta poveste...
1. vreau sa cuceresc K2-ul
2. sa conduc propriu-mi Harley
3. sa ajung alpinist si ghid montan
4. sa am un land rover defender :D...ma multumesc si cu un volvo
5. sa termin facultatea :))
6. sa compun o piesa geniala
7. sa-mi public un volum de poezii
8. sa fac copii
9. sa vad Egiptul (lista e mai lunga, dar incerc sa fiu rezonabila...)
10. sa fiu tot restul vietii macar pe jumatate la fel de fericita pe cat am fost in liceu, langa prietenii si colegii mei
cam astea sunt...mai sunt si chestiile post-mortem..dar asta e alta poveste...
I want to know how it'll end.
I want to be sure of what it'll cost.
I want to strangle the stars for all they promised me.
I want you to call me on your drug phone.
I want to keep you alive so there is always the possibility of murder later.
I want to be there when you learn the cost of desire.
I want you to understand that my malevolence is just a way to win
I want the name of the ruiner.
I want matches in case I have to suddenly burn.
I want you to know that being kind is overrated.
I want to write my secret across your sky.
I want to watch you lose control.
I want to watch you lose.
I want to know exactly what it's going to take.
I want to see you insert yourself into glory.
I want your touches to scar me so I'll know where you've been.
I want you to watch when I go down in flames.
I want a list of atrocities done in your name.
I want to reach my hand into the dark and feel what reaches back.
I want to remember when my nightmares were clearer.
I want to be there when your hot black rage rips wide open.
I want to taste my own kind.
I want to be wrapped in cold wet sheets to see if it's different on this side.
I want you to come on strong.
I want to leave you out in the cold.
I want the exact same thing... but different.
I want some soft drugs.. some soft, soft drugs.
I want to throw you.
I want you to know I know.
I want to know if you read me.
I want to swing with my eyes shut and see what I hit.
I want to know just how much you hate me so I can predict what you'll do.
I want you to know the wounds are self-inflicted.
I want a controlling interest.
I want to be somewhere beautiful when I die.
I want to be your secret hater.
I want to stop destroying you but I can't.
And I want and I want and I want.
And I will always be hungry.
And I want and I want and I want...
I want to be sure of what it'll cost.
I want to strangle the stars for all they promised me.
I want you to call me on your drug phone.
I want to keep you alive so there is always the possibility of murder later.
I want to be there when you learn the cost of desire.
I want you to understand that my malevolence is just a way to win
I want the name of the ruiner.
I want matches in case I have to suddenly burn.
I want you to know that being kind is overrated.
I want to write my secret across your sky.
I want to watch you lose control.
I want to watch you lose.
I want to know exactly what it's going to take.
I want to see you insert yourself into glory.
I want your touches to scar me so I'll know where you've been.
I want you to watch when I go down in flames.
I want a list of atrocities done in your name.
I want to reach my hand into the dark and feel what reaches back.
I want to remember when my nightmares were clearer.
I want to be there when your hot black rage rips wide open.
I want to taste my own kind.
I want to be wrapped in cold wet sheets to see if it's different on this side.
I want you to come on strong.
I want to leave you out in the cold.
I want the exact same thing... but different.
I want some soft drugs.. some soft, soft drugs.
I want to throw you.
I want you to know I know.
I want to know if you read me.
I want to swing with my eyes shut and see what I hit.
I want to know just how much you hate me so I can predict what you'll do.
I want you to know the wounds are self-inflicted.
I want a controlling interest.
I want to be somewhere beautiful when I die.
I want to be your secret hater.
I want to stop destroying you but I can't.
And I want and I want and I want.
And I will always be hungry.
And I want and I want and I want...
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Actorul si mastile sale
Intr-o sala de proiectie, un domn batran imbracat ingrijit, intr-un costum de culoare inchisa, asezat incomod pe un scaun de lemn, priveste fascinat ecranul pe care se deruleaza in goana transe de filme si fragmente de actualitati, figura lui revenind neincetat sub diverse infatisari. El nu-si poate desprinde ochii de pe panza unde se deapana vertiginos crampeie din viata lui, multiplele chipuri si numeroasele masti purtate de-a lungul deceniilor. Pe alt scaun, in randul din spate, ceva mai deoparte, un alt spectator: un om relativ tanar, urmareste cu o emotie nedisimulata, nu ecranul, ci reactiile batranului pe a carui fata se perinda de-a valma zambete, grimase de suferinta, clipe fugare de bucurie intensa si o unda de melancolie, trecatoare ca umbra norilor de pe o campie. din cand in cand, o exclamatie, un scurt comentariu, o izbucnire nereprimata: "Doamne, dar asta este...Ia te uita...Eu sunt...Si el era aici...Oh, cat e de minunat! Cerule, cat era de frumoasa, si eu cat de stangaci...Nu se poate...Sunt eu, bineinteles!" Un ras infundat, un suspin inabusit si mainile care se crispeaza pe spatarul scaunului din fata. Ofteaza discret si de la un timp nu isi mai pate stapani lacrimile care se preling in voie pe obrazul brazdat de semnele timpului, topindu-se in scurta-i barba carunta. Nici macar nu-si scoate batista sa le stearga...
E o totala abandonare in voia acestei cufundari in trecut, a acestei dureroase confruntari cu cel care fusese candva tanar, vibrand ca un arc, debordand de vitalitate, de energia anilor netraiti inca, cu toate visele si nazunintele intacte in ochii sai cutezatori, in privirile-i debordante.
Socul imaginilor declansase o adevarata surpare interioara.
Momentul e de o intimitate aproape jenanta. interlocutorul ramasese acelasi persnaj mut. La un moment dat, venerabilul batran isi pune mainile la ochi si isi pleaca capul, coplesit de aceste trcute clipe de viata... Cand si-l ridica, filmul s-a terminat de cateva minute. Intoarce capul spre omul din dreapta lui si un zambet usor stingherit incearca sa mascheze ravagiile produse de aceasta defilare de scene. Ochii ii sunt inca rosii si vocea voalata, nesigura, isi cauta tonul firesc. O oboseala nesfarsita se instaleaza in toata fiinta lui, ca dupa o lunga si istovitoare calatorie....
Constantin Popescu, "Actorul si mastile sale"
E o totala abandonare in voia acestei cufundari in trecut, a acestei dureroase confruntari cu cel care fusese candva tanar, vibrand ca un arc, debordand de vitalitate, de energia anilor netraiti inca, cu toate visele si nazunintele intacte in ochii sai cutezatori, in privirile-i debordante.
Socul imaginilor declansase o adevarata surpare interioara.
Momentul e de o intimitate aproape jenanta. interlocutorul ramasese acelasi persnaj mut. La un moment dat, venerabilul batran isi pune mainile la ochi si isi pleaca capul, coplesit de aceste trcute clipe de viata... Cand si-l ridica, filmul s-a terminat de cateva minute. Intoarce capul spre omul din dreapta lui si un zambet usor stingherit incearca sa mascheze ravagiile produse de aceasta defilare de scene. Ochii ii sunt inca rosii si vocea voalata, nesigura, isi cauta tonul firesc. O oboseala nesfarsita se instaleaza in toata fiinta lui, ca dupa o lunga si istovitoare calatorie....
Constantin Popescu, "Actorul si mastile sale"
Things i want to do before i die..
M-am gandit ca ar fi interesant sa facem fiecare o lista cu cel putin 10 lucruri(pt inceput. pe parcurs se mai pot adauga) pe care am vrea sa le facem pana la inevitabilul sfarsit. O sa incep eu si va rog si pe voi (Flavia si Razvan) sa incercati acelasi lucru.
1. pe cat de ciudat ar parea, si necaracteristic mie, as vrea sa plantez un stejar.
2. vreau sa-mi termin studiile (intr-un viitor cat mai apropiat)
3. vreau sa conduc un Lamborghini (Murcielago lp640, de preferat ->cunoscatorii stiu; daca nu, orice alt Lambo e la fel de bun)
4. vreau sa fac sky-diving (adrenaline junkie)
5. vreau sa scriu o piesa de teatru
6. vreau sa joc intr-un film
7. vreau sa regizez un film
8. vreau sa merg in Hawaii
9. vreau sa fac ceva memorabil...nu stiu exact ce, cand, cum sau unde, dar vreau sa fie ceva memorabil
10. vreau un tatuaj (sau mai multe)
1. pe cat de ciudat ar parea, si necaracteristic mie, as vrea sa plantez un stejar.
2. vreau sa-mi termin studiile (intr-un viitor cat mai apropiat)
3. vreau sa conduc un Lamborghini (Murcielago lp640, de preferat ->cunoscatorii stiu; daca nu, orice alt Lambo e la fel de bun)
4. vreau sa fac sky-diving (adrenaline junkie)
5. vreau sa scriu o piesa de teatru
6. vreau sa joc intr-un film
7. vreau sa regizez un film
8. vreau sa merg in Hawaii
9. vreau sa fac ceva memorabil...nu stiu exact ce, cand, cum sau unde, dar vreau sa fie ceva memorabil
10. vreau un tatuaj (sau mai multe)
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