Sunday, June 21, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
The other side of the coin!
...i'm walking to a dead end, i'm walking all alone, two steps behind insanity!
Children Of Bodom
Asculta mai multe audio Muzica
9.36 pm, hot like hell, running with a fucking fever, head hurts like hell, how the fuck did i catch a cold?
Grumpy like hell, short fused, practicing my death glare, i listen to death metal. All i want is to ditch this shit hole that i lived in for the past 9 months, i'm sick and tired of those dirty halls and toxic toilets, i'm sick and tired of basking in my own sweat every night, because it's too fucking hot in here. i dream of my bed at home, my comfy couch...and there's also another aspect of that couch that i dream of (it includes a girl)...hell, there ain't nothing wrong with that! I also dream of my mom's home made food, i'm sick and tired of junk-food and cold meals.
I miss my friends, and i miss playing some midnight basket ball.
But most of all, i'm tired of waking up every morning with a "fuck" on my face! I feel like i'm wearing a fucking mask of sanity. I don't feel much like myself, here in Bucharest.
I'm walking to a dead end, i'm walking all alone, two steps ago, I've passed insanity...
Children Of Bodom
Asculta mai multe audio Muzica
9.36 pm, hot like hell, running with a fucking fever, head hurts like hell, how the fuck did i catch a cold?
Grumpy like hell, short fused, practicing my death glare, i listen to death metal. All i want is to ditch this shit hole that i lived in for the past 9 months, i'm sick and tired of those dirty halls and toxic toilets, i'm sick and tired of basking in my own sweat every night, because it's too fucking hot in here. i dream of my bed at home, my comfy couch...and there's also another aspect of that couch that i dream of (it includes a girl)...hell, there ain't nothing wrong with that! I also dream of my mom's home made food, i'm sick and tired of junk-food and cold meals.
I miss my friends, and i miss playing some midnight basket ball.
But most of all, i'm tired of waking up every morning with a "fuck" on my face! I feel like i'm wearing a fucking mask of sanity. I don't feel much like myself, here in Bucharest.
I'm walking to a dead end, i'm walking all alone, two steps ago, I've passed insanity...
Now, the summer begins!
Asculta mai multe audio Muzica
Gata cu sesiunea, gata cu examenele...pentru moment! desi anul universitar s-a incheiat, eu nu am reusit sa ii pun punct asa cum as fi vrut..adica am cateva restante, care o sa ma bantuie in toamna, dar le luam noi si pe alea! pana una-alta, incerc sa imi stabilesc niste prioritati pentru vara aparent ma trezesc in fata unui zid! sunt atatea lucruri de facut, sunt atatea locuri de bineinteles, trebuie sa imi gasesc si un loc de munca, ceva sezonier! oricat de mult incerc nu reusesc sa imi fac un plan calumea, care sa imi rezolve miraculos toate problemele (asta e unul din momentelea alea cand mintea mea o ia complet SF, si imi doresc enorm sa fi avut o clona :-> )
Imi e dor de casa, dar parca nu as vrea sa plec asa de repede din bucuresti...pentru ca plecand din bucuresti imi anulez cam taote sansele de a fi cu "ea"...bineinteles ca o sa o gasesc aici si la toamna...dar s-ar putea sa o gasesc alaturi de "sex-simbolul" grupei...stiu..stiu..asta imi treca si mie prin cap: CUM DE NU SUNT EU ALA? :))
In fine...bullshit aside...vreau sa plec pe munte, Parangul Mare, cateva zile cu cortul, si am invitat-o si pe ea...sunt curios daca vine!
Whatever will it be, this summer, the Assprin turns 20, so let's have a fucking blast!!!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
A time of nothingness
i don't know what time it is...not long until dawn, anyway. it's still dark outside, and i do have the choice to look at the clock, but i choose not to. why? i don't know!
i couldn't sleep, so i started to wonder, or maybe i was trying to find a revelation. find it or induce it...i don't even know. i can't say i was struck by something majestic, though. apparently I'm doing everything i can just to avoid going to sleep, I'm shuffling music in winamp, I'm trying to write something, even if i'm doing it just to make time fly by easier; focus my mind on something else than myself, because in search of this revelation i have fallen in what you would call an introspection... maybe i'm not so eager to see what i can find if i go down that road. i know V. is going to tell me that i am in love, and i think that is bullshit. i find myself at thins point quite unable to even want to be in love, judging by the fact that i kind of suck as a boyfriend...apparently, cheating on my girlfriends is much more exciting than falling in love with them...feelings? all they make me want to say is fuck'em! my last two girlfriends really had a thing for me...cheated on them both, at first, one with the other, and than with whom ever i desired...or better yet, with whom ever i had the opportunity to. truth be told...i liked it like this, but that is not who i am (or who i want to be). part of me loves it like that, while the other part just sits back and enjoys the show, while disapproving. it's mind over matter. now i'm trying to hook up with another girl, and i am pretty sure i have a big chance in succeeding. but i don't just want to be with her just to go through all that cheating story all over again. it's weird, because i like being alone just as much as i like having a girlfriend... so what the fuck am i supposed to do?
and the problem is, though sometimes i really need to talk to someone about this, i'm having a hard time finding someone to talk to ( i know some people who right now ask themselves "why not me?")well...i don't know why...maybe because i don't really enjoy talking about those things over the phone or through the messenger...face to face was always more fun, because it makes it harder for people to lie to you, or to fake their emotions...odd enough, though i have many friends, in times like this it's hard to find someone to whom i can really turn to. sometimes i wish i could go talk to my parents about this, because i will always find them rather easy, but i can't really say they have a very valid point of view (because they usually go like: " are a big boy now, and we are sure you can deal with it"). the most annoying part is that i hear many people telling me that i have a problem...well...fuck you! what do you think is wrong with me? the fact that i still refuse to conform? well i got news bitches! i'm not the only one! you are just like me, but in your own way! everyone of us loves to rebel to something. and to not admit that is to just live in denial. and that makes your lives no better than mine, because at least i admit it, i admit my own little rebellion, i admit the fact that i like, that i love to be different!
i see a little daylight...
i see no better way to end this shit...fuck...i don't even know what the fuck i have been writing about for the past hour or so...
i couldn't sleep, so i started to wonder, or maybe i was trying to find a revelation. find it or induce it...i don't even know. i can't say i was struck by something majestic, though. apparently I'm doing everything i can just to avoid going to sleep, I'm shuffling music in winamp, I'm trying to write something, even if i'm doing it just to make time fly by easier; focus my mind on something else than myself, because in search of this revelation i have fallen in what you would call an introspection... maybe i'm not so eager to see what i can find if i go down that road. i know V. is going to tell me that i am in love, and i think that is bullshit. i find myself at thins point quite unable to even want to be in love, judging by the fact that i kind of suck as a boyfriend...apparently, cheating on my girlfriends is much more exciting than falling in love with them...feelings? all they make me want to say is fuck'em! my last two girlfriends really had a thing for me...cheated on them both, at first, one with the other, and than with whom ever i desired...or better yet, with whom ever i had the opportunity to. truth be told...i liked it like this, but that is not who i am (or who i want to be). part of me loves it like that, while the other part just sits back and enjoys the show, while disapproving. it's mind over matter. now i'm trying to hook up with another girl, and i am pretty sure i have a big chance in succeeding. but i don't just want to be with her just to go through all that cheating story all over again. it's weird, because i like being alone just as much as i like having a girlfriend... so what the fuck am i supposed to do?
and the problem is, though sometimes i really need to talk to someone about this, i'm having a hard time finding someone to talk to ( i know some people who right now ask themselves "why not me?")well...i don't know why...maybe because i don't really enjoy talking about those things over the phone or through the messenger...face to face was always more fun, because it makes it harder for people to lie to you, or to fake their emotions...odd enough, though i have many friends, in times like this it's hard to find someone to whom i can really turn to. sometimes i wish i could go talk to my parents about this, because i will always find them rather easy, but i can't really say they have a very valid point of view (because they usually go like: " are a big boy now, and we are sure you can deal with it"). the most annoying part is that i hear many people telling me that i have a problem...well...fuck you! what do you think is wrong with me? the fact that i still refuse to conform? well i got news bitches! i'm not the only one! you are just like me, but in your own way! everyone of us loves to rebel to something. and to not admit that is to just live in denial. and that makes your lives no better than mine, because at least i admit it, i admit my own little rebellion, i admit the fact that i like, that i love to be different!
i see a little daylight...
i see no better way to end this shit...fuck...i don't even know what the fuck i have been writing about for the past hour or so...
Saturday, June 6, 2009 pentru ca ne plictiseam...
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 1:57:06 AM): damn, damn damn
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 1:57:26 AM): ce?
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 1:57:34 AM): lost my skin
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 1:58:10 AM): meriti
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 1:58:31 AM): deci..tu..trebuia sa fii de partea mea!!!
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 1:58:50 AM): tu mai indepartat
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 1:58:55 AM): cand mi`ai zis "nope"
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:00:20 AM): wow...
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:00:28 AM): u have a long memory
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:00:58 AM): pai atunci m`ai enervat
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:01:02 AM): trebuia sa zici
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:01:13 AM): "vai , nu e acelasi, dar multumesc, o sa il tin pe asta"
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:01:30 AM): am messul 9!!
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:01:35 AM): ala de 8 e f util
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:01:36 AM): nu conteaza
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:01:42 AM): daca ai messul 8!
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:01:42 AM): si eu tot 9am
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:01:55 AM): si atunci de ce imi trimiti ala de 8?
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:01:59 AM): u make no sense
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:02:01 AM): de mere
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:02:07 AM): pai am mentionat
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:02:11 AM): ca e de 8
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:02:14 AM): u alcaholized, tonight?
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:02:18 AM): daca tu stiai ca ai 9
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:02:22 AM): trebuia sa ii dai cancel
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:02:25 AM): kkt
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:02:36 AM): eu nu am vazut ca ai scris ca e de 8
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:02:43 AM): pai e vina ta
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:02:44 AM): nu a mea
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:02:47 AM): omfg!
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:02:53 AM): ba e vina ta!
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:02:57 AM): ba a ta
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:02:58 AM): trebuia sa scrii mai amre!
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:03:02 AM): sa maresti fontul!
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:03:06 AM): trebuia sa iti iei tu ochelar
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:03:08 AM): i
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:03:21 AM): esti ilogica! din nou!
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:03:29 AM): nu aveam cum sa imi iau ochelari pe moment
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:03:35 AM): deci tot tu trebuia sa scrii mai mare
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:03:42 AM): nu
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:03:59 AM): ba da! pt ca la mine in camera e intuneric
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:04:02 AM): trebuia tu sa zici ce am zis eu si gata
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:04:03 AM): si nu vad tastele
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:04:09 AM): si????/
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:04:13 AM): si la mine
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:04:47 AM): da, dar tu stai la laptop si tastele tale sunt mai luminate decat ale se afla la juma de metru de monitor!Q
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:05:04 AM): nu conteazaaaaaaaaaaa
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:05:32 AM): ba da! ca trebuia sa scrii mai mare!
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:09:15 AM): tacerea ta denota ca eu am dreptate!
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 1:57:26 AM): ce?
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 1:57:34 AM): lost my skin
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 1:58:10 AM): meriti
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 1:58:31 AM): deci..tu..trebuia sa fii de partea mea!!!
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 1:58:50 AM): tu mai indepartat
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 1:58:55 AM): cand mi`ai zis "nope"
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:00:20 AM): wow...
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:00:28 AM): u have a long memory
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:00:58 AM): pai atunci m`ai enervat
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:01:02 AM): trebuia sa zici
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:01:13 AM): "vai , nu e acelasi, dar multumesc, o sa il tin pe asta"
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:01:30 AM): am messul 9!!
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:01:35 AM): ala de 8 e f util
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:01:36 AM): nu conteaza
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:01:42 AM): daca ai messul 8!
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:01:42 AM): si eu tot 9am
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:01:55 AM): si atunci de ce imi trimiti ala de 8?
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:01:59 AM): u make no sense
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:02:01 AM): de mere
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:02:07 AM): pai am mentionat
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:02:11 AM): ca e de 8
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:02:14 AM): u alcaholized, tonight?
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:02:18 AM): daca tu stiai ca ai 9
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:02:22 AM): trebuia sa ii dai cancel
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:02:25 AM): kkt
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:02:36 AM): eu nu am vazut ca ai scris ca e de 8
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:02:43 AM): pai e vina ta
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:02:44 AM): nu a mea
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:02:47 AM): omfg!
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:02:53 AM): ba e vina ta!
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:02:57 AM): ba a ta
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:02:58 AM): trebuia sa scrii mai amre!
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:03:02 AM): sa maresti fontul!
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:03:06 AM): trebuia sa iti iei tu ochelar
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:03:08 AM): i
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:03:21 AM): esti ilogica! din nou!
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:03:29 AM): nu aveam cum sa imi iau ochelari pe moment
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:03:35 AM): deci tot tu trebuia sa scrii mai mare
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:03:42 AM): nu
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:03:59 AM): ba da! pt ca la mine in camera e intuneric
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:04:02 AM): trebuia tu sa zici ce am zis eu si gata
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:04:03 AM): si nu vad tastele
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:04:09 AM): si????/
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:04:13 AM): si la mine
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:04:47 AM): da, dar tu stai la laptop si tastele tale sunt mai luminate decat ale se afla la juma de metru de monitor!Q
ralu_pitz (6/6/2009 2:05:04 AM): nu conteazaaaaaaaaaaa
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:05:32 AM): ba da! ca trebuia sa scrii mai mare!
Assprin TheBlack (6/6/2009 2:09:15 AM): tacerea ta denota ca eu am dreptate!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
The comeback!
A trecut un car de vreme de cand nu am mai scris...Si prin scris ma refer la ceva concret, nu la videoclipuri, poze, sau alte cacaturi postate din lipsa de o mai buna ocupatie. Sincer sa fiu, am ezitat sa mai scriu ceva pentru ca mi-am dat seama ca nu mai am nimic important sau interesant de zis. Acum sunt in sesiune...timpul nu prea ma lasa sa ma mai ocup de blog asa cum poate ca ar trebui, dar planuiesc o mica restructurare, sau mai bine zis, o reimporospatare...
So if you used to read this shit...hold on, I'm coming back!
So if you used to read this shit...hold on, I'm coming back!
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